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Low mileage contracts: Renault says "Niet!" to pioneers


Contrary to what was announced at the begining by the Renault press department (1), contrary to what was suggested since three months by  Mr Deloison, "electric vehicles" DIAC-Batloc department manager (2), contrary to the hopes of the people who works on the Renault Twizy project, contrary to the strong and just hopes of the Twizy owners, contrary to the interests of the brand itself as this decision will make it lose customers, starting by me, contrary to the evidence, Renault will not give its pioneers the benefit of the new contracts "low mileage" (those making less than 5,000 km per year).


The given reason is that this is a promotional offer with a limited period. Mr. Deloison's collaborator who gave me this lame excuse was not able to give me the term for this promotion. Legally, any promotional offer must have a term.

Are you an important customer ?

This same person told me that "exceptions" (my case) or "goodwill gestures" may be made, depending on "the importance of customer". It's always nice to know that some customers do not matter for Renault...

(1) Extrait de réponse d'Aline Henry du service Presse Renault 

Comme indiqué dans la Brève:
« La location de Batterie reste ajustable à tout moment si le client souhaite le modifier en durée comme en kilométrage afin de s’adapter à ses besoins. »
Donc oui un pionnier comme vous peut en profiter en modifiant les conditions de votre contrat (durée/kilométrage).

(2) Extrait de réponse de M. Deloison, Directeur "Véhicules électriques" de DIAC-Batloc
Nous avons validé le process SRC et il est en cours de mise en place. Nous allons bien le déployer auprès des filiales Renault et RCI.
Cela permettra de faire la réponse la plus claire et commerciale pour nos premiers clients.

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