Twiz O'Meter, the screen that says a lot about your Twizy

Twiz O'Meter, the screen that says a lot about your Twizy
By simply plugging it into your Twizy's OBD socket, Twiz O'Meter is a touch screen that provides a wealth of information that happily complements that of the very brief original dashboard. Via a simple and intuitive interface, you can for example consult the precise remaining charge or the state of health of your batteries. Its gyroscope and Wi-Fi connection bring additional dimensions. It succeeds advantageously to Twizplay which had the same objective but was less complete and much more expensive, and which is no longer available.
Don't want to read? Here is the video!

Lots of easily accessible information

Specifically designed for the Twizy by Fabio Java, Twiz O'Meter (ToM for short) is a project still in development but which is already available and very advanced. Tactile navigation in its pages mainly allows access to the following data:


- Trip distance traveled (Km)
- Average trip car speed (Km/h)
- Instant kilometers left (Km)
- Trip consumed power (kWh)
- Trip consumed power per Km (kWh)
- Trip consumed power per 100 Km (kWh)
- Trip consumed power per minute (kWh)
- Trip time (minutes : seconds)21
- Average frontal downhill inclination (°)
- Average frontal uphill inclination (°)


- Battery State Of Charge (%)
- Battery State Of Health (%)
- Battery remaining capacity (kWh)
- Battery instant current absorption (A)
- Battery current recharge by regeneration (A)
- Battery temperature (°C)
- Battery voltage (V)
- 12V Battery voltage (V)

Twiz O'Meter


- Remaining time to charge complete (minutes)
- Charger temperature (°C)
- Battery power charged (kWh)
- Instant charging power (kWh)


- Engine Round Per Minute (RPM)
- Engine torque (N/m2)
- Engine current absorption (A)
- Engine temperature (°C)
- Controller SEVCON temperature (°C)


- Lateral right inclination (°)
- Lateral left inclination (°)
- Frontal uphill inclination (°)
- Frontal downhill inclination (°)
- Car acceleration (m/s2)
- Internal ToM temperature (°C)
- Time since power on (minutes)

This list is not exhaustive and further information is available. A very complete documentation (in English) makes it possible to explore thoroughly the product. The layout of the pages can be changed according to user preferences and alarms can be configured.

To appreciate the use of the Twiz O'Meter and the richness of its content, here is a video made by Fabio Java
Twiz O'Meter has a Wi-Fi connection for using a basic Android application on a smartphone, real-time monitoring or archiving data on an Internet server.


At the hardware level, Twiz O'Meter consists of an LCD touch screen used for display, navigation and settings, placed in a box with a concave bottom (95mm x 55 mm x 32 mm) equipped with a fixable and tilting support, and the motherboard housed in a second box (the "black box" of 73 mm x 40 mm x 20 mm). This division into 2 boxes allows a distribution of the size and the gyroscope of the "black box" to function correctly, provided that it is well positioned. Two cables connect the "black box" to the OBD socket and to the screen. A third cable allows you to connect an optional extension such as an LED, a buzzer...
When the Twizy is at rest, Twiz O'Meter goes into standby and only consumes 18 mA, which is very little, but it can be stopped completely using the switch on its OBD socket.

Twiz O'Meter Twiz O'Meter

Twiz O'Meter Twiz O'Meter

Price, lead time and warranty

The Twiz O'Meter costs €185 excluding shipping (for comparison the Twizplay cost €369). It is made on demand and individually. It takes an average of 2 weeks plus shipping time to receive it.

Fabio Java would like to point out that this is an evolving project whose software updates are free, but not a commercial product. It offers neither certification nor any guarantee other than correct operation in accordance with the documentation.
In fact, as the Twiz O'Meter only retrieves information from the OBD socket, it does not modify the vehicle in any way and does not call into question either the vehicle's manufacturer's warranty or its insurance. 25 Twiz O'Meter are already in use, all over Europe but mainly in Germany and the feedback is very positive according to what can be read on the Germanic forum dedicated to the Twizy.

Contact and purchase

Photo credits

Fabio Java

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