Happy New Year 2014 !

I do not like traditions, but this one is more acceptable than others : wishes for the new year !
I wish you an excellent 2014 full of happiness by giving you this little card with a Twizy of course!
It is also traditionally an opportunity to consider what has been the ending year...

For the Twizy owner I am, 2013 has been an exciting year humanly speaking, since I started into blogging, Youtube videos and social networks... To the contrary to what I was afraid at first, it turned out to be an estonishing richness .

Life in Twizy blog and videos

For a creative mind, keep a blog is really a very good support. I start from nothing and I go. I put what I want while thinking of you, my readers, of what can be interesting or funny for you. Even if success is shy enough for now, I love it and it's the same thing for videos. My brain is full of ideas and I do not have enough time to implement them all...  May be it is best for you!
Outside of pure creation, one of my goals is to earn some money with my blog and my videos, that's why you have to undergo with some Google ads... I hope they do not bother you too much. About earnings, 2013 was... say "a starting year", and I 'd rather not say more not to spoil the mood !
I have the same blog in French, it is very good to maintain my knowledge of both languages ! (I am French as you can see !)


Specialized forums are frequented by people full of good will, experts or not, who want to help others and provide a lot of information. It's great and I warmly thank them as,sometimes,  it feeds this blog. 
I wish to give you the addresses of my favorite forums:
Forum Renault Twizy Info (French)
Twizy Owners ( English )
Cyclurba (French)


Of course, I have not (yet) any true friend on Facebook but in 2013 I created some pages like Life in Twizy or For the Twizy in Quebec. I am at the origin of the first ( and so far the only one) French group of Twizy fans. All this activity, probably slightly above average, gave me the chance to cross first Twizy owners, often passionate, sometimes the same as on the forums. There are also people simply concerned with clean cars.

But Facebook has also given me the opportunity to be in relationship with unusual people, that I never could normally meet, either because they are geographically remote (Belgians, Swiss, English , Germans , Canadians...) or because their professional career is very different from mine. What most surprised me is that they came to me without my seeking. Retired, students, managers at Renault, polytechnics , institute directors, university professors, engineers, etc. . What richness ! Although our small community is a community of interest, it has the merit of abolishing distances and some social barriers.
For me, it is a pleasant discovery that brings hope for the coming year and all those that follow.

Twitter and other social networks

At the moment I have not made ​​the best of Twitter or other social networks... It is my 2014 "to do" list !

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