English Twizy &  Co

Renault Twizy with a roof box!

I am impressed  ! I was able to fix my old roof box on my roof rack ... and miraculously the elytrum doors can open!

A video with some details...(English subtitles to be activated on Youtube with bottom icon) 

Foldable roof boxes

A nice Twizy owner pointed out to me the existence of canvas roof boxes, foldable and much lighter (4 kg), which seems to me to be an interesting alternative to place more weight for the content than for the container!


If you plan to use a roof box on your Twizy keep in mind a few things: firstly in France Renault does not allow portage neither on the roof nor in rack. Then the presence of the roof box will be an obstacle to the flow of air and therefore you will lose aerodynamics and inevitably autonomy. The roof box represents an extra height. Think about it when you park in your garage or in an underground car park, it can touch! The center of gravity will also be a little higher, so the Twizy may be less stable in turns. Similarly the roof box will make the Twizy more sensitive to side wind. It will be necessary to adapt your speed and your behavior according to the presence of the roof box.

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