English Twizy &  Co

My Lego® Twizy : mounting instructions and parts list!

Thanks to the extraordinary work done by Akku61 on Vectrix.de forum who made a timeline similar to those provided by Lego, you now have a pdf file that completes tremendously my video .
To download the timeline it's here >>

For the parts list, this way >>

For my part, I made ​​two pdf files that will allow you to order parts on the Lego® site. Cost for all the parts is € 20.58 plus delivery.
The first file corresponds to the timeline step by step : twizy_lego_elements_1.pdf.
The second file contains the same thing but combined by reference number, that can make your life easier if you want to order : twizy_lego_elements_2.pdf

All colors are not available, the two main colors are dark gray and white, but you can still choose the color for a few trim pieces that will give a two-tone look to your Twizy Lego (doors and front panel between the headlights). To access the site Lego Shop (Pick to brick) this way >>

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