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Renault will manufacture new side windows for its Twizy

Edit 24/02/2018
Renault has abandoned this project

Since a long time, the small world of Twizy hoped that the manufacturer has grave concerns of the problem. It seems to be the case.

At the quite important meeting between Twizy owners and Renault on last April 27, we had the opportunity to discover a new window prototype developed by Renault... but pictures were forbidden.

So, here is the very original principle of the side windows of the future, that I illustrated with a rough scheme.

These windows will be carried out in a single curved polycarbonate sheet, which will comply with the vehicle design.
The opening will be done through a hinge attached to the top of the arch of the door. To open the window, we shall raise above the roof. This movement requires keeping a hole in the front for the passage of the mirror. On the other hand fixing the hinge asked to make a hole in the door arch to join the underlying structure. One advantage is not to increase the door weight but also to keep the door open dimension.
Closed, the window will be based on the upper edge of the door thus preventing water from entering at that level. However, we understand that the inevitable hole in the front somewhat counteracts this.
The windows will be equipped with a key lock.

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